Numerology - the Science of Numbers

Man has always felt that by understanding numbers he can understand everything and having understood it, control it.
Numerology is the extension from pure science to mystical science. Pythagoras stated that "Numbers are the first things of all of nature" and believed, like a great many since, that all natural phenonema could be reduced to arithemetic and algebra. The Hebrews derived from the Cabbala the association between letters and numbers.

To check on your Numerological character assessment, complete the following details:-

Enter your first or given name:
Enter your last name:

Enter your Date of Birth in the form dd/mm/yyyy:
Your Personality Number is:
Your Character Number is:
Your Birth Number is:

Unity the Monad

Duality the Duad

Ternary the Triad

Quaternary the Tetrad

Quincunx the Pentad

Hexagon the Hexad

Septenary the Heptad

Octahedron the Ogdoad

Nonagon the Ennead

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk