What's in it for me?

It is always useful to have an edge on others in this high activity, dog eat dog life.
By being aware, not only of your own characteristics and predispositions, but of the characteristics and predispositions of others, it is possible to use this information to your own advantage.
Once you know that the person you are dealing with is a Number 3, then the approach to dealing with them is to appeal to their sense of duty to their friends and collegues, rather than giving them precise facts and figures as you would to a Number 9.
Knowing which buttons to press when dealing with people, at work, at home and in social situations - particularly those of a more intimate nature - can make significant differences to your passage through life.

A knowledge of your own numerological details can pinpoint periods in your life that are particularly significant and can provide valuable information for decision making.
An in-depth evaluation can help you determine the best times to marry, change jobs, move, speculate or take a trip, as well as identifying what kind of potential energy and what stress levels are currently existing in your life.

Similar knowledge of the influences affecting those around you, friends and collegues, will help you to mould your psychic environment to your best advantage.

There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

Numbers, like the camera, never lie. The beauty of mathematics is that it is provable. This emotion of purity and proof carries over into anything that is concerned with numbers, including numerology. The process of determining the numbers important in a person's life are clearly defined and the calculations are repeatable and consistent. The interpretations are less clear because we have not developed the science sufficiently but, nonetheless, the indications provided by the numerological diagrams can provide clear indications of direction or general purpose which gives us the opportunity to maximize the potential of each relationship and each occurrence that touches us. Knowing how to use the study of numbers and and interpret the results is a skill that you will never regret studying for.

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk