Birth number
Character number
Personality number

Influence of the birth number
The Birth number provides the time element of the numerological reading.

All dates can be reduced to a primary number and in consequence activities can be arranged to occur on days that match the Character number, Personality number or Birth number.

Christopher John Thompson, born on 16 March 1954
Birth Number 2
Christian Name Number = 3
Surname Number = 7

Good days in 1998 will be:-
Matching with 2 3 7 2 3 7 2 3 7 2 37
January 1 2 6 10 11 15 19 20 24 28 29
February 1 5 9 10 14 18 19 23 27 28
March 4 8 9 13 17 18 22 24 25 31
April 3 7 8 12 16 17 21 25 26 30
May 2 6 7 11 15 16 20 24 25 29
June 1 5 6 10 14 15 19 23 24 28
July 4 5 9 13 14 18 22 23 27 31
August 3 4 8 12 13 17 21 22 26 30
September 2 3 7 11 12 16 20 21 25 29
October 1 2 6 10 11 15 19 20 24 28 29
November 1 5 9 10 14 18 19 23 27 28
December 4 8 9 13 17 18 22 24 25 31

The Numbers of the days of the week

In addition, each day of the week has an associated number which responds to the vibrations of the primary numbers, whatever the date happens to be, as follows:-

Sunday 1, 8 A day of achievement, self-knowledge and purpose.
Monday 2, 9 Conflict, indecision and sometimes failure; also calmness, justice, co-opereation and balance.
Tuesday 3 A day of unexpected successes and general activity.
Wednesday 4 Hard work and steady progress, rather lacking in eventfulness.
Thursday 5 Great excitement and achievement, especially in matters requiring physical stamina.
Friday 6 Thought and inspiration; a day for pondering and philisophy.
Saturday 7 A good day for all forms of government and organisation, as well as the acquision of knowledge.

So, if any of the favourable days for this person during 1998 happen to be a Monday (2), Tuesday (3) or Saturday (7) it will be particularly auspicious.

The Numbers of the months of the year

And to make things even more exciting the months have their own numbers:-
January 1 February 2 March 3
April 4 May 5 June 6
July 7 August 8 September 9
October 1 November 2 December 3

Making the most of the year

For our example Februay, March, July, November and December are good months .
Any Monday, Tuesday or Saturday is a good day.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays in Februay, March, July, November and December are particularly good days as they combine two significant numbers.

The very best days are likely to be:-

Mon February 9 Tues February 10 Sat February 14
Mon February 23 Sat February 28 Mon March 9
Tues March 17 Tues March 24 Tues March 31
Sat July 4 Mon July 13 Tues July 14
Sat July 18 Mon July 27 Mon November 9
Tues November 10 Sat November 14 Mon November 23
Sat November 28 Tues December 8 Tues December 22

because they combine auspicious days of the year with auspicious months and auspicious days.

I leave it up to you to work out what activities should be carried out on each of these days.

The personality number provides information about an individuals personality. This then will provide clues as to how that person will react in situations and to other people.

1: independence, individuality, attainment; leadership, pioneering, administrating.

2: cooperation, closeness, sensitivity; balance and harmony, supportive.

3: expressing self, joy of living; enthusiasm, optimism, creativity, sociability.

4: system and order, service, sense of limitation; managing, working hard, practical, down-to-earth.

5: constructive use of freedom; variety, excitement, progressive, creative.

6: balance, responsibility, love; supportive, comforting, serving, helping.

7: analysis, understanding, introspective; search for truth, spiritual understanding.

8: material satisfaction, accomplishment; desire for success, power, recognition.

9: selflessness, humanitarianism; giving without thought of return, compassionate.

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk