
Four Quaternary the Tetrad.
The symbol of truth. Regarded by the ancient greeks as the root of all things and representing Earth, Air, Fire and Water. There are four sciences:- astronomy, geometry, music and arithemetic. Man possesses four properties:- mind, opinion, science and sense. There are four winds, four points of the compass, four seasons and four ways to access the Internet.
Colour - Green
Character Influences
This is the solid person, unwavering, steadfast and unperturbable. Steadiness and tenacity at work and play, combined with honesty and the ability to take on unpleasant tasks willingly results in long lasting friendships.
Best suited to the trades where innovation and change are slow, Tetrads would benefit from the influence of a Triad in their life..
Summary of Influences
Honesty, imperturbability, loyalty, practicality, stolidity, will-power.
Clumsiness, conservativism, dullness, inadaptability.
AquamarineEmerald ChrysoliteChrysoprase

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk