
Seven Septenary the Heptad
Lucky seven. Seven wonders of the worlds, seventh heaven, seven cardinal sins, the seven plagues of Egypt. The Heptad is imbued with the balanced qualities of completion, endurance, evolution and wisdom.
Colour - Violet
Character Influences
Often regarded as eccentrics due to their ascetic and and mentally long-sighted views, Heptads often become the worlds great philosphers and writers.
Their beliefs, for which they fight passionately, can leave them isolated and ostracised by society, a condition which they bear with fortitude and forgivness.
Enjoying privacy, the Heptad can become over-critical of others when forced to mix. They frequently store their knowledge, spending their time collecting more and would be well advised to make use of it for the benefit of both themselves and others.
Summary of Influences
Contemplation, depth, discernment, fortitude, philosophy, wisdom.
Hypercriticism, lack of action, morbidness, unsociability.
AmethystJet MagnetiteRock-crystal

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk