
Six Hexagon the Hexad
The hexad represents perfect harmony and completion (the world was created in six days). Regarded as on of the happiest numbers it has been traditionally used as a charm to ward off evil.
Colour - Indigo
Character Influences
The Hexad continually works toward harmony and their idealism is exhibited in their efforts to ensure smooth operation of all aspects of their life, until 'just so'. This idealistic harmonisation of their surroundings means that they work toward the common good with a degree of selflessness and tolerance unusual in the other numbers. Wealth is of little direct importance to them but used for the benefit of others, especially the sick and lame.
Cheerful and companionable, Hexad types make good partners, loving faithful and responsible to those around them. In busines their lack of drive for money tends to mean that they seldom rise to the pinnacle of their careers.
Excessive idealism can be percieved as an almost offensive superiority. Their lack of financial drive can result in missed opportunities and this can also affect their fighting spirit, exhibited as an air of martyrdom. their soft-heartedness means that they are often imposed upon and they should be careful not to let this degenerate into softness and weakness.
Summary of Influences
Charitableness, faithfulness, honesty, idealism, responsibility, selflessness.
Softness, submission, superiority, unpracticality.
Diamond Jade PearlTurquoise

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk