
Three Terniary the Triad.
Represents the perfect number. There are many examples of triads. Inferior, Superior and Supreme. Matter, Idea and God. The three virtues required for married bliss:- justice, fortitude and prudence. The three dimensions, height width and breadth. The Trinity. The three wise men, offering three gifts. TLA's. The three states of matter, solid, liquid and gas. A Male number.
Colour - Yellow
Character Influences
Triads will exhibit fortitude, frankness and freedom. They have brilliant successes in enterprise and are particularly suited to organising. New projects hold a special fascination and they are likely to succeed as salesmen, representatives or consultants.
They are generally happy, adaptable and chearful.
Enthusiastic, exuberant and talkative, the Triads optimism overcomes any periods of depression or worry very quickly.
Their enthusiasm for the 'new' can lead to thier downfall by causing them to keep starting new projects before the old ones are finished and excitment at their personal ideas can be seen as offensive by those offering ideas of their own. Their over-confidence leads to spectacular rises with equally spectacular failures.
Summary of Influences
Adventurousness, bravery, brilliance, exuberance, freedom, gaiety.
Impatience, indifference, lack of stamina, over-confidence.
ChrysoliteJasper SerpentineTopaz

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk