
Nine Nonagon the Ennead
The number of perfection and concord. The nine levels to reach to achieve perfection.
Colour - Orange
Character Influences
Ennead people exhibit great intelligence, understanding and discretion. They know how to use their qualities, but tend to concentrate more on the intellectual persuits of logic, philosophy and fine arts rather than practical matters. Success if attained is more often by intellect and inspiration and not by hard work. They make good friends and never take advantage of others and are more likely to help others to succeed, making excellent advisers by drawing on their empathy and understanding.
They have a high sense of morals, making them honest and trustworthy. Ennead is the number of genius, but this will not be achieved without hard work that is anathema to the Ennead.
Excessive dreaminess and giving knowledge, rather than its use, too much value can cause lethrgy and lack of progress. If the Ennead can combine their natural talents with hard work, then they can avoid the danger of degerating into dabblers and dilettantes, achieving nothing significant.
Summary of Influences
Artistry, brilliance, discretion, genius, high moral sense, intelligence, understanding.
Aimlessness, dreaminess, lack of concentration, lethargy.
AgateRuby SardonyxMarble

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk