What is Numerology


  1. Numerology is the study of the occult significance of numbers.
  2. Numerology is a set of tools handed down through generations of practitioners, developed by observation and pattern matching.
  3. Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers. It is used to determine an individual’s personality, strengths and talents.

Although Pythagorus is the principal name that occurs in the history of numerology, almost all cultures in all ages have developed their own forms of numerology, with a consistency in the interpretations that are statistically improbable.
Many of the ancient tomes and religious books describe the use of names, particularly changes of names, and refer to the hidden meanings of numbers, and through a study of these books of wisdom some of these secrets can be unlocked.
Numbers were not invented. They were discovered, and once discovered their significance developed as their properties were uncovered by endless observation of the world and events around the observers.
Everyone has certain numbers that keep cropping up in their life, house numbers, telephone numbers, car registration numbers, some of which indicate impending benefits, others which indicate otherwise.
And most people, at one time or another, ask themselves why.
Numbers play an unseen and important part in determining what you are, what part you can play in life and how your relationships develop.
Through the science of numerology it is possible to cut through the mystery and superstition associated with numbers and, with the aid of the science, find precisely the numbers that are important in your life. Those that are beneficial and those that are hold a certain antipathy for you and how to manipulate the effects of these number relationships.
Numerology is by far the easiest of the occult sciences to master and the one that provides the most accurate determinations.
All you need is your given name and your birth date.
Your given name gives the basis for your present incarnation and your birthdate provides the links to previous incarnations, thus spanning the totality of an individuals existence.
Numerology is the link between the physical plane and the cosmic plane which each of us has the ability to understand and use in the search for perfection.

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk