
Two Duality the Duad.
Represents diversity and equality (or justice). Diversity comes from the two opposites in everything. Night and day, good and evil, rich and poor, love and hate, Internet and not connected. Justice and equality comes from the concept that there are two sides to each story, and that brotherhood and love needs two people.
Duad also stands for balance, concord, harmony, sympathy and response. A Female number.
two points forming the extremities of a line

Colour - Orange
Character Influences
People covered by the Duad tend to be placid. Without the single mindedness of the Monad, they are fart more capable of showing greater consideration for others. A hatred of selfishness and egotism are their chief trraits, along with a strong belief in justice for all.
Duads go out of their way to avoid agression and argument, both directly and indirectly. They make friends easily and usually become socially successful because of their innate ability to sympathise with all other character types.
These same qualities may well be the downfall of a Duad if they are not controlled, an over sympathetic nature can result in irresolution and a total loss of direction and the distaste for argument may result in the inability to accept responsibility.
Summary of Influences
Harmony, justice, placidity, sociability, unselfishness.
Avoidance of responsibility, indifference, irresolution, lack of forcefulness.
AmberJacinth TourmalineOpal

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk