
Crystal ball gazing is best done in a quiet, dimly lit room. Burning candles and/or incense with soothing music in the background helps to calm the Karma and improve results. For some the reflections of the flames help to summon images - others find them a distraction.

Place the crystal on it’s stand on a table in front of you. If your crystal ball does not come with it’s own stand own stand use a small cushion or a silk handkerchief purchased and reserved specially for this purpose.

Relaxation is the key. Lay your hands gently on the ball for a minute or two in order to energise it and strengthen your psychic rapport. Holding the crystal ball, think about the purpose of this scrying session. Try to visualise the subject of your question. Some people ike to ask the question out loud, others prefer to internalise it.

Now, remove your hands from the crystal. Look into the crystal, stare deeply. Allow your eyes to relax and become slightly unfocussed. After a little while you should see a mist or smoke forming in the crystal. Let this mist grow and fill the ball, then visualise it gradually clearing to reveal images within the crystal.

The images you see might not be what you expected. That's OK, don't fight them. Your subconscious mind knows what information you need. Just let the images flow, changing and taking you wherever they choose to go. Don't try to rationalise now, time for that later.

Once the crystall ball has shown you all the images you need, they will begin to fade. As the images begin to fade reverse the process you used at the beginning. Visualise the mists coming back and covering the images, then receding to return the ball to its natural state.

Treat your crystal ball with respect, thank it after each session and put it away carefully.

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk