Most forms of Reading are passive, whereas Questining is much more of
an active form of prediction
There are three main forms.
The Ouija Board, where the questioner asks a question and the board
responds through the participants. Great care must be taken to ask the
question that needs answering rather than the question that comes to
mind.The spirits are either very good at word play, or very dumb and
will take your question lierally.
Tarot Cards, in the right hands, are very effective and will provide
the questioner with valuable information with respect to the question
being asked, but again the question must be prased qith great care.
I Ching also called "Book of Changes" (or "Classic of Changes")
is the oldest of the Chinese classic texts. A symbol system designed
to identify order in what seem like chance events, it describes an
ancient system of cosmology and philosophy that is at the heart of
Chinese cultural beliefs. The philosophy centers on the ideas of the
dynamic balance of opposites, the evolution of events as a process,
and acceptance of the inevitability of change. In Western cultures, the
I Ching is regarded by some as simply a system of divination; many
believe it expresses the wisdom and philosophy of ancient China.
The I Ching (often spelled as I Jing, Yi Ching, Yi King, or Yi Jing ;