Dowsing with Pendulum

What is pendulum dowsing?

Pendulum dowsing is an ancient art of accessing information available to us through the use of our paranormal senses. While Y-Rod or Stick dowsing usually involves walking terrain, Pendulum dowsing is usually done in a stationary position. Walking around with a swinging pendulum tends to mask the fine nuances of the movement.

What is a pendulum?

A pendulum is any weight or object that can be suspended from a chain or piece of thread and will freely swing. Whilst pendulums range from a simple paper clip to a ring, or a necklace or key rings, most pendulum users prefer a symmetrically weighted object, centrally suspended from a light chain or cord.
Some people use extremely ornate and exquisitely crafted materials, especially crystals.
Any length of chain or thread will work but the ration of the suspended length to the distance above the object to dowse is important.
Any combination of weight and suspension material will give radiesthetic (dowsing) reaction in the hand of a "sensitive" person.

Do not confuse a pendulum with a plumb bob. The true practitioner of Pendulum Dowsing uses a pendulum that is in tune with the user and the environment. Display or showmanship pendulum dowsers frequently use a pendulum that looks much more like an ornate and decorated plumb bob and although this looks good it actually reduces the efficacy of the dowsing session. Of course to a practiced dowser the material of the pendulum only has a minimal effect.

Making your Pendulum

Pendulums can be made from anything provided they are heavy enough to keep the string or chain taut. The thread should be a neutral colour, black and white are good. The most accurate pendulums are generally made from natural materials such as wood stone or crystal, and naturally occurring crystals and stones with holes already in them are ideal. Neutral substances act neutrally and don't influence the responses of the pendulum. A pendulum with a hollow which will allow a small objects or piece of minerals to be placed inside is called a sampling pendulum - used to focus the pendulum energy on the object of desire.

For a long time it has been believed that he nature of the dowsing tool itself is immaterial. Having said this, as with the tool of any craftsperson, dowsers develop very particular preferences of weight, cord length and material, many choosing pendulums of crystal, brass or copper, or items of personal significance with which they have a close bond such as a wedding ring or special talisman and totally missing out the resonance that stones and other earth bound materials have with the environment.

To determine the ideal length of the pendulum string measure the length of the arm from elbow to fingertip. Divide this by Euler's number (2.78). Subtract this from the length of the arm as measured. This them should be the length of the pendulum string from where it is grasped to the tip of the pendulum. A knot should be tied in the string to mark the ideal suspension point at which to hold it.

Using your Pendulum

Sit comfortably, back upright, feet on the ground shoulder width apart.

Hold the cord of your pendulum between thumb and forefinger, elbow on a hard surface, the cord held at the marker knot.

The way to learn to use any tool is by practice. Learning to play the piano is not teaching the brain but teaching the fingers. Once the fingers intuitively know how to produce certain sounds the brain can then make decisions as to what sounds to produce and the fingers will make them

Learning to 'play' the pendulum is not so very different.

Hold the chain, and let the pendulum settle till it is still. Ask your question. Practice with questions that you know the answer to, watch the result. Ask questions that you do not know the answer to, watch the result. You may surprise yourself by asking questions that you do not 'know' the answer to and getting the correct answer. Hmmm, perhaps you did 'know' after all, you just did not know that you knew.

Try to keep your arm still, if you fight the natural movements too much, you will find the pendulum will not respond properly. How the bob swings, reveals your answer.

Learning to read the bob.

Remember, it's not perfect and won't give an exact answer every time, especially if you are just learning. The variations for individuals vary, for some the up down movement means yes, for others, no. For some the clockwise movement is yes, for others the anti-clockwise movement is yes. You just have to practice until you understand which is yes and which is no for you.

To become familiar with your pendulum, use it often so as to develop your ability when reading it. Those with proven psychic skills use the pendulum to enhance and improve their abilities.

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk