The CSG World of Fate and Fortune

The starting point for all forms of Fortune Telling and Character analysis

Not for the faint-hearted
Since the beginning of mans awareness of his surroundings he has always believed that there are invisible, supernatural forces that not only affect, but also control his destiny.
The correct interpretation of the physical manifestations of these supernatural forces provides the clues to the direction of future events. Knowing the broad course of the immediate future provides the individual with the ability to bend this direction in their favour.
Many of us, without knowing why, use the knowledge handed down through the ages to help influence the lives of those around them, as well as our own.

These pages will reveal the reasons for throwing confetti at a wedding, touching wood, and kissing under the mistletoe, as well as how to use the various methods of fortelling the future and analysing character and personality.

Don't forget to visit the Lottery Predictor page

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New CSG World of Fate and Fortune

And now for your delectation

A Sudoku Solver