The CSG World of Fate and Fortune

So much that we do not understand is put down to Old Wive's Tales, or just coincidence.

But more and more nowadays scientists are revisiting Old Wive's Tales to try to find out exactly what is (or was) happening.
The halucinatory effect of Natterjack toads is well documented today but why did Old Wive's keep toads in the first place. The British toads do not have that halucinatory effect, so why else were they kept. It is now known that many amphibia exude strong antibiotics from their skin, perhaps that is why Old Wives lived to be Old Wives.

Important Notice

The author of these pages can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the interpretations, nor for any actions taken by the reader as a result of the interpretations.
Any method of divination used produces results that provide an indication of what may occur, and not what will happen.
Only you are master of your own destiny.

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Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk