Seeing the Smell


The word Aura comes from the Latin meaning: akin to air, a slight breath, vapour or shimmer.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
An Aura is an optical effect wherein gas or dust surrounding an object luminesces or reflects light from the object.
The visual disturbance seen by about half of all migraine sufferers is also called an aura.
Sufferers of repeated seizures (called epilepsy) often have a telltale sensation, often a strange light or unpleasant smell which comes before the actual seizure, called an aura.
Synaesthesia- This is where there is a mixing of senses causing the person to experience such things as colored hearing, gustatory sights, and auditory smells

If you see auras, you may not be psychotic, you may be psychic!
If you see auras, you may not be psychic; you may have a brain or vision disorder. See your physician ASAP.


In Australia remote West Kimberleys you can find prehistoric cave paintings many thousands of years old, depicting people with golden haloes.

Throughout history, mystics, seers and clairvoyants have reported seeing colored lights surrounding a person's head and body, and have been able to give detailed descriptions about peoples' lives by describing what they saw in the person's aura.

Advanced spiritual people such as Buddha, Christ and their immediate students were painted with golden haloes around their heads, because some artists could actually see Auras.

What is the Aura ?

The aura is the visualisation of the smell of the body. Not the sort of smell that makes us go phew, but the smell that emanates from the inner body and hovers around each living thing.

Auras are commonly associated with people. A pregnant woman 'glows', a spiritual leader 'radiates' a happy person 'shines'.

Nature gave us all we need to 'see' Auras.

The senses. We all have five well developed senses, sight, sound, touch, smell and taste, but what about the senses that we have not defined, catalogued and measured? the undeveloped sense(s).
A sense is after all only the conscious perception of the interaction of our bodies with the environment.

I do not believe that the aura is an electromagnetic radiation, as many have tried to justify. It is far more likely that the aura is the interaction of the nervous or sensory system with (what the physicists call) string. If the eye can detect a single photon and the nose can detect a single molecule then it is not surprising that the brain can detect other fundamental particles. The basic purpose of the senses is for self preservation - sending alarm signals to the conscious part of the brain if danger is near, so the need to respond to 'string' is suficiently small that our 'string' sense is not well developed. That does not mean that it is not there.

According to New Age metaphysics: “An aura is a colored outline, or set of contiguous outlines, allegedly emanating from the surface of an object. The aura supposedly reflects a supernatural energy field or life force that permeates all things.”

Under ordinary circumstances, auras are only visible to certain people with special psychic power.

Copyright © 1997 Chris Giles. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 27th May 2022 by chris at giles . me . uk